😞 Are you fed up of not seeing any results from your efforts?

🖱️ Do you just “do” social media because you have to and not because you want to?

👀 Are you jealous of your Competitors seemingly doing well? and thinking “Why not me?”

Social Media. Everyone is on it. You have a Facebook account, your Niece/Nephew/Son/Daughter has 500 followers on Instagram… So it can’t be that hard to run a business on there surely?

Well, anyone can have a crack at it, sure. But if you are serious about adding it as a powerful marketing tool to your business arsenal, then you can’t just see it and treat it as a passive thing here just for Millenials.

Simply creating a profile and posting random content every once in a while is not enough anymore. Actually, it never was. Yet, many businesses don’t seem to have a documented social media marketing strategy that if they did, would make their efforts SO much more fruitful.

It might not seem like a big deal, but not having a clear social media strategy and well-set workflow means you’re missing out on setting your goals, keeping yourself accountable to those goals, collecting useful customer data, and ultimately, on seeing any results from your social media marketing efforts. To name literally but a few.

Creating a Social Media Plan sounds daunting, and it is, especially if you don’t have a clue or even like social media in the first place. But stop worrying, you’ve found the place now for an AWESOME done-for-you Social Media Strategy.

This detailed PDF strategy will include:

  • Social media goals & objectives
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Audience personas
  • Suggested content strategy
  • Influencer strategy
  • Tone of voice
  • KPI’s & progress measurement

This Sounds Expensive… What Do I Get For My Money? A good social media strategy will set out clear goals, that are in line with what you’re trying to achieve for your business. It then clearly lays out how you’re going to reach these goals, meaning that all your social media efforts are directed towards achieving them, instead of just “posting and hoping for the best.” When you’re proactively working towards your goals equipped with a clear step-by-step plan, you’ll get there a lot quicker, saving you time and money. Can you really put a price on that? Well, Yes. It’s £250. Which considering you also benefit from on-going email support whenever you need it… it’s quite the steal.

Oh Go On then… I’m In. How Will We Do This?
When you’re ready to take the plunge, email me and we’ll get this process started. Don’t worry, it’s really straightforward. We’ll meet up, over a coffee or zoom… i’ll come armed with a questionnaire, and you with a sense of adventure, and we can have a good, productive time where I properly get to know everything I need to hand over a powerful and purposeful Social Media Strategy.

I might also get you liking Social Media too by the end of it :-)🤞

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